
Pet Sematary

While searching for videos in the compilation below, I ran across this official video for Pet Sematary. I hadn't seen this one in a long time and watching it again I couldn't help but be all creeped out at the sight of The Ramones as they are slowly being lowered into a grave then topped with a grave marker. Yikes. Given the early demise of Joey, Johnny and Dee Dee this video is pretty hard to watch now. I find it kinda ghoulish and sad really. Anyway, here is the video, judge for yourself:


Ramones in Best of the 80's Poll

So my pals over at the Slicing Up Eyeballs blog are hosting a series of polls asking their followers to rank the top albums of each decade in the 80's. The Ramones aren't faring too well. Here are the results so far for the Ramones 1980 - 1986:
1980 - End of the Century #30
1981 - Pleasant Dreams #43 (tied with the Gun Club - Fire of Love LP)
1983 - Subterranean Jungle #55 (tied with Cabaret Voltaire - The Crackdown)
1984 - Too Tough to Die #37
1986 - Animal Boy #81

Polls yet to come:
1987 - Halfway to Sanity
1989 - Brain Drain

So there are two more chances to get the Ramones into the top 10. Will either of these albums get them there?

I certainly thought the Ramones would have ranked much higher in these polls. At least in the top 20. This is mostly a popularity contest but still think the Ramones should be higher up in all the rankings. I can't name a Cabaret Voltaire song whoever the fuck they even are. How does one of the Ramones best albums tie with some lame unheard of band? I'll take the tie with the Gun Club because Fire of Love was also a killer LP. Both of those should be much higher than #43. Animal Boy contained Bonzo Goes to Bitburg which was all over college radio IIRC. The best it can do is #81? End of the Century at #30? Too Tough to Die at #37? Those two alone should be top 10 albums. Not sure how some of this European synthesizer fluff is getting ahead of the Ramones but they deserve better and so does their legacy. Get in there and vote for the Ramones like I've been doing.

Let's listen to some Ramones from the 80's since we know the real deal.

I went to Rock n Roll High School, did you?