
RAMONES Interviews and Tributes

Some recent tributes and interviews about the Ramones:
I Gotta Go Now: The Dee Dee Ramone Story [Short Documentary]
Good tribute to Dee Dee with interviews and concert footage. DEE DEE RAMONE Last Days w His Bassist STEFAN ADIKA - Death Apt & Grave (4/5/2018)
Interview with Dee Dee's bass player from his solo shows band. They visit his LA apartment and then the Hollywood Forever Cemetary where Dee Dee is buried. He talks quite a bit about Dee Dee. Audio isn't so good though, it's hard to watch the whole video.
Linda Ramone: Inside RAMONES Ranch + Johnny Ramone Tribute (interview PT )
Last we have this interview with Johnny's widow Linda. She's a bit wacky, but she shows around the house and some of the memorabilia there. The rock and roll room has 4 of John's Mosrite guitars, among other photos and posters.

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